Get startedQuick start with odo v3

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Quick start with odo v3

This guide will run through creating a simple hello world devfile project using odo version 3. The purpose of this guide is to provide a practical introduction to those just starting out with devfiles.


  • odo v3
  • Access to a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster


  1. Access or setup your target cluster

    • (Optional) You can use minikube to run your cluster locally, follow these steps to get started
  2. Install odo version 3 if you do not already have it by following the Installation guide

  3. Once installed, use odo login to login with your cluster credentials

    • This step is not needed if using minikube
  4. Create a directory to store a simple hello world Express.js application

    package.json file

        "name": "helloworld-example",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "description": "",
        "main": "app.js",
        "type": "module",
        "dependencies": {
            "@types/express": "^4.17.17",
            "express": "^4.18.2"
        "scripts": {
            "start": "node app.js"

    Application source code

    import express from "express"
    const PORT = 3000
    const app = express()
    app.get("/", (req, res) => {
        res.send("Hello world!")
    app.listen(PORT, () => {
        console.log(`Listening on port ${PORT}..`)
  5. (Optional) Normally it is recommended to use odo init to start your project from a devfile registry stack, see Developing with Node.JS and Command Reference: odo init for details, steps 6-11 will go through the process of making the devfile from scratch

    • For this project, run odo init --name helloworld-example --devfile nodejs, to test this devfile in action, skip to step 12
  6. Create a devfile with the filename .devfile.yaml. Add the schemaVersion field with the desired devfile specification version to use

    schemaVersion: 2.2.1
  7. Next, create the first component to serve as the runtime for the project, for this use the container component with the name runtime and the node:18-alpine image

    • name is the identifier used to refer to the component

    • image is the container image to use for the component

       schemaVersion: 2.2.1
      +  - name: runtime
      +    container:
      +      image: node:18-alpine
  8. The runtime container hosts the expressjs app created which listens on port 3000, define this port in the component by specifying an entry under endpoints

    • Each endpoint has at least a name to identify them and the targetPort to specify the port number to forward

       schemaVersion: 2.2.1
         - name: runtime
             image: node:18-alpine
      +      endpoints:
      +        - name: http-3000
      +          targetPort: 3000
  9. Now that the runtime container is defined, commands are needed to tell odo what to do during the step of the development runtime (odo dev). Define the command to install the dependencies needed to run the application (npm install)

    • The id field identifies the command by a label which can be used to specify which command to run by the dev tool
      • Example: odo dev --build-command install
    • An exec command specifies explicit shell command(s) to run on a given component
    • commandLine defines the shell command(s) to execute as part of that devfile command
    • The group specifies what kind of command it is or if it is the default of its kind, isDefault
      • build commands runs before run commands

         schemaVersion: 2.2.1
           - name: runtime
               image: node:18-alpine
                 - name: http-3000
                   targetPort: 3000
        +  - id: install
        +    exec:
        +      commandLine: npm install
        +      component: runtime
        +      workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE}
        +      group:
        +        isDefault: true
        +        kind: build
  10. Next, define the command to run the application (node app.js)

     schemaVersion: 2.2.1
       - name: runtime
           image: node:18-alpine
             - name: http-3000
               targetPort: 3000
       - id: install
           commandLine: npm install
           component: runtime
           workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE}
             isDefault: true
             kind: build
    +  - id: run
    +    exec:
    +      commandLine: node app.js
    +      component: runtime
    +      workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE}
    +      group:
    +        isDefault: true
    +        kind: run
  11. Now the devfile is ready to be used to run the application

    Devfile for Hello World application

    schemaVersion: 2.2.1
      - name: runtime
          image: node:18-alpine
            - name: http-3000
              targetPort: 3000
      - id: install
          commandLine: npm install
          component: runtime
          workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE}
            isDefault: true
            kind: build
      - id: run
          commandLine: node app.js
          component: runtime
          workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE}
            isDefault: true
            kind: run
  12. Run odo dev and you should see the following output

    odo dev output

    /  \__     Developing using the "helloworld-devfile" Devfile
    \__/  \    Namespace: default
    /  \__/    odo version: v3.9.0
    ⚠  You are using "default" namespace, odo may not work as expected in the default namespace.
    ⚠  You may set a new namespace by running `odo create namespace <name>`, or set an existing one by running `odo set namespace <name>`
    ↪ Running on the cluster in Dev mode
    •  Waiting for Kubernetes resources  ...
    ⚠  Pod is Pending
    ✓  Pod is Running
    ✓  Syncing files into the container [401ms]
    ✓  Building your application in container (command: install) [1s]
    •  Executing the application (command: run)  ...
    -  Forwarding from -> 3000
    ↪ Dev mode
    Watching for changes in the current directory /path/to/project
    Keyboard Commands:
    [Ctrl+c] - Exit and delete resources from the cluster
        [p] - Manually apply local changes to the application on the cluster
  13. The application port 3000 served in the cluster gets routed to your host on a different port (in this case 20001). Run curl http://localhost:20001 and you should see the following output

    Response content returned by curl

    Hello world!%
  14. Congratulations! You have written your first devfile project with odo!

Additional Resources